Sunday, April 30, 2006

Google Adsense -Earn Money

AdSense is Google's syndication program for its AdWords advertisements so first up, you need to understand AdWords to make sense of AdSense.
First here's a link to an online presentation by Google about AdSense - the system that lets website owners make money automatically.

How you make money with AdSense
The process is simple. You sign up for AdSense and if your site is accepted, (we'll cover this process later in the course) Google gives you some code to paste into your web pages. It's JavaScript stuff that you can simply add into the HTML of your page.

When someone views your page this JavaScript fetches ads from Google. If they then CLICK on your ad, Google charges the advertiser a click thru fee and shares it with you.
This is entirely AUTOMATIC so if you have a content rich site with lots of traffic that is not currently making you any money, AdSense is something you should seriously consider.

AdSense is Google's syndication program for its AdWords advertisements so first up, you need to understand AdWords to make sense of AdSense.

So where does AdSense come in this?

Well, Google has taken their excellent AdWords program and extended it to non-Google web sites and branded it AdSense.


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